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The deep web (or also "darknet" or "invisible internet") is not an normal Internet. 90% of these sites have illegal content. The Internet has 5 levels.

The deep web can only be reached with TOR. 
What is "marians Web"? 
Marianas Web is the deepest deepest deepest part of the Internet/deep web. I never reached it, but i read it many about it and the only thing what i can say is: u dont want to go there! Marianas Web is a Mystery, a few people say it exists and a few say it doesnt exist. I Think it exists, because the "deep web" cant be the deepest part of the Internet. there must be more!! 
What can i find on the "deep web"? 
Well, almost everything. Sad is that many sites have child porn. When u buy something, u MUST pay with Bitcoin (if they want a CC, dont buy it!). Be carefull! The Police is waiting For u.. 
How do i get in the "deep web"? 
Its very simple. U need 1 Software: TOR Install it and go to the websites with the TOR firefox. The websites r very slowly, so dont give up when it is loading it may take up to 2 min. 
Deep Web sites:- 

Directories and Link Lists: 
*. TORDir – dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion 
*. TorLinks – torlinkbgs6aabns.onion 
*. OnionBookmark – x7yxqg5v4j6yzhti.onion 
*. The Hidden Wiki – kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/ wiki/index.php/Main_Page 
*. TorMarks – 4jbxjjrbakmdcmvb.onion 
*. Core.Onion – eqt5g4fuenphqinx.onion 
*. Sites Deep Web – ekwreugkil5ncyyh.onion 
*. Hidden Wiki PasteBin – pastebin.com/ek0cAbxi 
*. Hidden Wiki Mirrors – fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion 
*. Tor Onion Link List – f3ew3p7s6lbftqm5.onion/ text/TOR.ONION.LINKLIST.txt 

Search Engines: 
*. TORCH - xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion 
*. Deep Search - xycpusearchon2mc.onion 

Mail and Hosting 
*. Tor Mail – jhiwjjlqpyawmpjx.onion 
*. TorPM - 4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ pm/ 

*. Black Market Reloaded – 5onwnspjvuk7cwvk.onion/ index.php 
*. Silk Road – silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/ index.php 
*. High Supplies – phyofa4vi3y4i5iq.onion 
*. C’thulhu – iacgq6y2j2nfudy7.onion 
*. EU Weapons & Ammunition – 4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/2e76676/ 
*. HackBB – clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion 
Fixed Match Buy-in 
*. Service – j3vsnvvcfvoduip6.onion 
*. CC4ALL – qhkt6cqo2dfs2llt.onion 
*. Downloaditforyou - 3srxdnetmhbfyisw.onion 
*. Swatting Service - jd2iqa4yt7vqvu5o.onion 
*. PayPal Store - 5xhp3ntcxfpfd5ig.onion 

Forums and Post Boards 
*. HackBB – clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion 
*. Silk Road Forums – dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/ index.php 
*. RedditTor - k6gsb4ibatcico35.onion 
*. qPastebin – 4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ paste/ 
*. DoxBin - npieqpvpjhrmdchg.onion 
*. Bittit - ejz7kqoryhqwosbk.onion/ 

*. Onion ID – g6lfrbqd3krju3ek.onion 
*. All Purpose Identities – cf6qjzygqbu2c4z5.onion 
*. Terminal Velocity ID Store - 4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/22ad3c25/ threadlist.php 

Education and Research 
*. The TOR Library – am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion 
*. TOR University – ccbn6mrdudb5fbxd.onion/ TorUniversity.html 
*. The Human Experiment - xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion 
*. Tard’s Library - xsin4xbme24aatvk.onion 

Security and Society 
*. AntiSec Embassy - ibhg35kgdvnb7jvw.onion 
*. Parazite - qx7j2selmom4ioxf.onion Blogs 
*. LookingGlass - tns7i5gucaaussz4.onion/ blog/ 
*. Hidden Blog - utup22qsb6ebeejs.onion/ 

Tor infrastructure 
http://hbpvnydyyjbmhx6b.onion/ help run the enter - exit servers and set them up or augment the bandwith for certain countries 
http://a5ec6f6zcxtudtch.onion/ tor-i2p-proxy2-en.htm to iepsites 
http://losacd3c5pt25ymv.onion/ not free fast good bridges 
Directory http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/ downornot/ down or not test it first 
http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/ wiki/index.php/ List_of_Anonymous_Networks 
private services http://ahmia.fi/ just a list of 200 links to sites of which many don't work anymore 
http://32rfckwuorlf4dlv.onion/ some links 
http://4jbxjjrbakmdcmvb.onion/ complete.html some links 
http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/ users/noel/forum.php?id=1 active forum about links on deepweb 
http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/ hiddenwiki/index.php/Main_Page directory of links 
http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion/ tor links search 
http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/ search 1 million onion pages 
http://nstmo7lvh4l32epo.onion/ search.php? query=belgium&search=1 search 
http://sc3njt2i2j4fvqa3.onion/ newzbin search of Usenet interesting onions 
http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/ wiki/index.php/Email test security emailservice blog 
http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/ mirro...0aj.sn.sourcedns.com/ _gbpprorg/mil/index.html 
http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/ mirro...2wcy6jnn4r.onion/ opensource/II/Anonymity.html 
http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/ mirrors/-Poly Front/ g7pz322wcy6jnn4r.onion/ opensource/II/Payment.html and anonymity 
http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/ mirro... Bureau/ cryptoanarchy.org/wiki/ Main_Page.html wiki about anonimity on the web and services 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ anonymous services photo sharing etc bookmarks 
http://x7yxqg5v4j6yzhti.onion/ public and private bookmarks onion 
http:// ay5kwknh6znfmcbb.onion/ torbook/ social network for tor Chat and forums and contactforms to make 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/736364f4/index.php anonymous irc chat 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/ 
http://ci3hn2uzjw2wby3z.onion/ public chatboard 
http://jhiwjjlqpyawmpjx.onion/ TorMail 
http://a5ec6f6zcxtudtch.onion/ anon-email.htm mixmaster anonymous email 
http://a5ec6f6zcxtudtch.onion/ anon-news.htm anonymous forums mixmaster 
http://c4wcxidkfhvmzhw6.onion/ index.en.html anonymous privacybox as contact for bloggers and journalists 
http://qtt2yl5jocgrk7nu.onion/ encrypted secret keys for people working for or with Indymedia, an alternative worldwide mediaplatform 
http://ueoluw7ltbo6sdx2.onion/ anonymous escrow service paying for payments between seller and buyers hosting 
http:// www.xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/ hidden hosting not free anymore php mysql 
http:// www.ms4kc75hlvnfcxgz.onion/ hidden blogging books 
http://p2uekn2yfvlvpzbu.onion/ books about 
http://c3jemx2ube5v5zpg.onion/ english a lot SF 
http://xsin4xbme24aatvk.onion/ a lot of military and resistance documents 
http://zqhu3ynqqbqzsq2c.onion/ libreria/Hannah Arendt/ 
http:// c3jemx2ube5v5zpg.onion/? author=view&id=18&letter=B Orwell 
http://zqhu3ynqqbqzsq2c.onion/ libreria/ some philosophers 
http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/ users...a=FreeBibliothecaAlexan drina Anony Share Uploads many books 
http://utovvyhaflle76gh.onion/ sTORage/Books/ books new world order not done yet 
http:// kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/ files.html older files from the underground - pseudo anarchist bit kiddy 
http://crimethinc.com/books/ alternative anarchistic books and stuff posters and so 
http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/ but mostly very older books filesharing 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ imgzapr/ 
http://utovvyhaflle76gh.onion/ sTORage/ upload site 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ paste/ 
http://ocrlwkklxt3ud64u.onion/ tor upload 
http://p7d2k2xiioailnuu.onion/ image upload 
http://i7hknwg4up2jhdkx.onion/ uploader 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ anonyshares.html max 10mb 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/3232a619/ filesharing forum login 
http://dg6exbqq42btatnw.onion/ file sharing 
http://ldwvpjcrw5mmekvg.onion/ use some of the 100GB of usable FTP space on a server here 
http://f3ew3p7s6lbftqm5.onion/ onion filestore 
http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/ imageboard/ chan board very chan 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/7fbb7e1f/ paparazzi forum log in Illegal markets
http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/ silkroad/register the illegal market 
http://5onwnspjvuk7cwvk.onion/ blackmarket 
http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion/ active hacking forum and market place 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ ads selling stolen creditcards on 
http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion/ viewtopic.php?f=57&t=3631 IDstores on Tor 
http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/ users/experiments/ warehouse3.html fake or not, medical experiments ? 
http://wkwjr7pn7xubtpx5.onion/ carding forum 
http://wihwaoykcdzabadd.onion/ carders planet just page with services 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/3e238502/ threadlist.php? carders list quite dead 
http://wdnqg3ehh3hvalpe.onion/ PS3 cracking list and root keys 
http://n2wrix623bp7vvdc.onion/ hackingservices.html just page with hack services 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/794b7d4/ cracked games sign up 
http://yj2nu2qygzpjcglm.onion/ one of the so-called hitman for hire hackers 
http://3terbsb5mmmdyhse.onion/ hashers that crack passwords 
http://lcvkso2t5t3cmy3x.onion/ hackcanada/index.html hack canada 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/d136fbb/threadlist.php? not very active hackerforum 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/4b5fce4e/ hackerforums but need to sign up 
http://u32gu6u4cf5zpkzw.onion/ hiring hackers 
http://ugh6gtz44ifx23e7.onion/ rent a hacker service (scam?) 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ snapbbs/19cc6d6e/ uscyberlabs securityforum login Documents, info and pastes 
http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/ paste/browse.php pastes recent public 
http://6sgjmi53igmg7fm7.onion/ index.php?title=Main_Page buggedplanet.info copy 
http://f3ew3p7s6lbftqm5.onion/ stratfor_full_misc.txt stratfor full text with cvv 
http://zbnnr7qzaxlk5tms.onion/ wikileaks 2010 
http://utovvyhaflle76gh.onion/ sTORage/Wikileaks Archives/ collatoral damage 
http://npieqpvpjhrmdchg.onion/ doxviewer.php doxing like pastebin 
http://nwycvryrozllb42g.onion/ isp-spy/ all the ISP spy files for police interception 
http://nwycvryrozllb42g.onion/ PS3 jailbreak 
http://nwycvryrozllb42g.onion/ midasbank/ MIDAS bank of American leak 

Credits:Revelation (Team Openfire)

Post a Comment

  1. I’ve tried to download the TOR browser, the FreeNet browser, and several other browsers listed. The computer I’m using just says it is unable to locate the server. How the friclin HELL do I get onto this system?? Dark Web vpn for torrenting

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