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This tutorial will teach you how to run BackTrack 5 on your android phone. You won't be able to do injection (WiFi cracking) but you CAN use all the network tools like Wireshark etc. for sniffing network traffic, and most other tools that don't require network card access. 

What you need: 
Rooted android phone (recommended 1Ghz/+512MB ram) 
VNC viewer app Terminal emulator app 
Micro SD card with 3.5GB of free space 

1. Download BackTrack for android here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php? t=1079898 
2. Put your MicroSD card in your computer, or mount your SD card via USB. 
3. Extract the BT5 folder to the root of your SD card 
4. Disconnect your phone if you have it connected. 
5. Open the terminal emulator 
6. Ente the following code: 
sucd sdcardcd bt5sh bt 
7. Say yes for start VNC server. 
8. Now go into your VNC app and enter your local host on port 5801 ( 
9. Enter a name for PC name and connect 
10. When it asks for a password/authentication, the password is: root 
11. You will now be in BackTrack 5 on your android phone :)

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