Endeca Latitude 2.2.2 - CSRF Vulnerability
Endeca Latitude 2.2.2 - CSRF Vulnerability

Advisory: Endeca Latitude Cross-Site Request Forgery   RedTeam Pentesting discovered a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilit...

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Mailspect Control Panel 4.0.5 - Multiple Vulnerabilities
Mailspect Control Panel 4.0.5 - Multiple Vulnerabilities

Document Title: ============ Mailspect Control Panel version 4.0.5 Multiple Vulnerabilities  

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Python CGIHTTPServer Encoded Path Traversal
Python CGIHTTPServer Encoded Path Traversal

Advisory: Python CGIHTTPServer File Disclosure and Potential Code            Execution   The CGIHTTPServer Python module does not pro...

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Thomson TWG87OUIR - POST Password CSRF
Thomson TWG87OUIR - POST Password CSRF

#Author: nopesled #Date: 24/06/14 #Vulnerability: POST Password Reset CSRF #Tested on: Thomson TWG87OUIR (Hardware Version)  

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D-link DSL-2760U-E1 - Persistent XSS
D-link DSL-2760U-E1 - Persistent XSS

#!/bin/bash   # Written and discovered by Yuval tisf Nativ # The page 'dhcpinfo.html' will list all machines connected to the...

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Wordpress 3.9.1 - CSRF Vulnerability
Wordpress 3.9.1 - CSRF Vulnerability

# EXPLOIT TITLE:Wordpress 3.9.1-CSRF vulnerability # DATE:21st June,2014 # Author:Avinash Kumar Thapa #URL: localhost/wordpress/ ...

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web2Project 3.1 - Multiple Vulnerabilities
web2Project 3.1 - Multiple Vulnerabilities

Advisory ID: HTB23213 Product: web2Project Vendor: http://web2project.net Vulnerable Version(s): 3.1 and probably prior Tested Vers...

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ZTE WXV10 W300 - Multiple Vulnerabilities
ZTE WXV10 W300 - Multiple Vulnerabilities

# Exploit Title:    ZTE WXV10 W300 Multiple Vulnerabilities # Date:             17-05-2014 # Server Version:   RomPager/4.07 UPnP/1.0 ...

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ZeroCMS 1.0 - zero_transact_user.php, Handling Privilege Escalation
ZeroCMS 1.0 - zero_transact_user.php, Handling Privilege Escalation

import sys,getopt,cookielib,urllib2,urllib # ZeroCMS 1.0 # zero_transact_user.php # Impropper Form post hanling, (parameter poluti...

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